Second AmericasNLP Competition: Speech-to-Text Translation for Indigenous Languages of the Americas
- IMPORTANT: Details about the AmericasNLP competition at NeurIPS
- Winners of the AmericasNLP 2022 competition
- Registration form
The Second AmericasNLP Competition on Speech-to-Text Translation for Indigenous Languages of the Americas is an official NeurIPS 2022 competition aimed at encouraging the development of machine translation (MT) systems for indigenous languages of the Americas. The overall goal is to develop new speech-to-text translation technology for Indigenous languages, and participants will build systems for 3 tasks: (1) automatic speech recognition (ASR) for an Indigenous language (Task 1), (2) text-to-text translation between an Indigenous language and a high-resource language (Task 2), and (3) speech-to-text translation between an Indigenous language and a high-resource language (Task 3, our main task).Why?
Many Indigenous languages of the Americas are so-called low-resource languages: parallel data with other languages as needed to train speech-to-text MT systems is limited. This means that many approaches designed for translating between high-resource languages – such as English, Spanish, or Portuguese – are not directly applicable or perform poorly. Additionally, many Indigenous languages exhibit linguistic properties uncommon among languages frequently studied in natural language processing (NLP), e.g., many are polysynthetic or tonal. This constitutes an additional difficulty. We want to motivate researchers to take on the challenge of developing speech-to-text MT systems for Indigenous languages.How?
We invite submissions of speech-to-text MT results (as well as of results for the subtasks of ASR and text-to-text translation) obtained by systems built for Indigenous languages. We will provide training and evaluation data to the participants, but there are no limits on what outside resources – such as additional data or pretrained systems – participants can use, with the exception of the datasets listed here. This should go without saying, but we ask that participants don't translate (or transcribe, in the case of ASR) the test input by hand. The main metrics of this competition are ChrF (Popović, 2015) for Tasks 2 and 3 and character error rate for Task 1. Participants can submit results for as many language pairs as they like, but only teams that participate for all language pairs for a task are entering the official ranking. We provide an evaluation script and a baseline MT system to help participants getting started quickly. If you are interested in this competition, please register here.Tracks
The competition will have two tracks:- External data and pre-trained models are allowed. In this track, we aim that teams pursue to train the best system possible. For this, they can collect all external data they can find or create. The only constraint is the list of prohibited datasets.
- Only pre-trained models are allowed. Teams can use the provided dataset, Spanish/Portuguese monolingual data, and well-established pre-trained models (models published in any ML venue) in this track.
System Submission
UPDATE! The official submission leaderboards can be found here:- ASR Track 1
- MT Track 1
- Speech-to-text Translation Track 1
- ASR Track 2
- MT Track 2
- Speech-to-text Translation Track 2
The following language pairs are featured in the NeurIPS–AmericasNLP 2022 competition:- Bribri–Spanish
- Guaraní–Spanish
- Kotiria–Portuguese
- Wa'ikhana–Portuguese
- Quechua–Spanish
Pilot Data
- Kotiria [kotiria_pilot.tar.gz]
- Waikhana [waikhana_pilot.tar.gz]
Data and Baseline System
A script to download the datasets for the competition, an evalution script, and the official baselines can be found in our GitHub.The TEST INPUTS for ASR are now online! [TEST_FILES]
UPDATE! Test MT inputs are now online! []
As long as the best performing systems beat our baselines, the corresponding teams will be awarded the following prizes:- Task 1: $500 for the best team
- Task 2: $500 for the best team
- Task 3 (main task): $1000 for the best team, $500 for the second best team, $300 for the third best team
Important Dates
Release of pilot data and evaluation script: May 23, 2022 -
Release of training and development data and baseline systems: June 6, 2022 -
Release of test input/start of evaluation phase (ASR and Speech-to-text): September 20, 2022 - Submission of translations by participants/end of competition (ASR and Speech-to-text translaiton):
September 30, 2022October 14, 2022 - Release of test input/start of evaluation phase (MT tasks): September 15, 2022
- Submission of translations by participants/end of competition (Machine Translation): October 25, 2022
- Announcements of results: October, 29
- Competition track meeting at NeurIPS (virtual event): December 2022
Manuel Mager, Katharina Kann, Abteen Ebrahimi, Arturo Oncevay, Rodolfo Zevallos, Adam Wiemerslage, Pavel Denisov, John E. Ortega, Kristine Stenzel, Aldo Alvarez, Luis Chiruzzo, Rolando Coto-Solano, Hilaria Cruz, Sofía Flores-Solórzano, Ivan Vladimir Meza Ruiz, Alexis Palmer, Ngoc Thang VuContact: