Instituto de Investigación en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas


Gene Regulatory Interaction Formulator For Inquiring Networks

Gene Regulatory Interaction Formulator For Inquiring Networks (griffin) is a java library for inference and analysis of Boolean Network models.

Using a simple file interface, griffin takes as inputs biologically meaningful constraints and turns them into a symbolic representation. Using a SAT engine, griffin explores the Boolean Network search space, finding all satisfying assignments that are compatible with the specified constraints.

Current biological constraints include:

  • Postive and negative known gene regulations
  • Postive and negative hypothetical regulations
  • Exact set of steady states
  • Extended set of steady states
  • Wildtype and mutant steady states
  • Input-output individual transitions
  • Known cyclic attractors
  • Trap subspaces
  • Arbitrary state-space trajectories
  • A posteriory refinement of models