• Tipo:
  • Journal Article
A classification of user experience frameworks for movement-based interaction design

Recent technological developments have made it possible for digital technology to offer interaction modes that can engage the whole body. These systems can track the users’ movements to support rehabilitation, to play games or to create music, among other activities. One important implication of interacting with the whole body is the increased relevance of the user’s experience. A number of approaches and frameworks have been proposed to design these movement-based systems and some of them pay special attention to the user’s experience. This paper maps the space of design frameworks for movement-based interaction that focus on user experience. It classifies existing frameworks by their type and by characteristics that could help practitioners intending to design applications of that sort to make informed decisions about what framework to employ. Additionally, and to illustrate the use of the classification, we include a case study related with selecting and deploying some of these frameworks for a design exercise.

Ricardo Cruz Mendoza, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Pablo Romero & Gustavo Casillas Lavín (2015) A classification of user experience frameworks for movement-based interaction design, The Design Journal, 18:3, 393-420, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2015.1059606