
G. Febres, Jaffe, K., and Gershenson, C., Complexity measurement of natural and artificial languages, Complexity, vol. 20, pp. 25–48, 2015.PDF icon 23-NatArtLang.pdf (3.01 MB)
C. Gershenson, Enfrentando a la Complejidad: Predecir vs. Adaptar, in Complèxica: cervell, societat i llengua des de la transdisciplinarietat, Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2015, pp. 25–38.
C. Gershenson, Hacia un sistema de salud autoorganizante y emergente, in Estado del Arte de la Medicina 2013-2014: Las ciencias de la complejidad y la innovación médica: Aplicaciones, E. Ruelas Barajas and Corona, R. Mansilla, Eds. Mexico: Academia Nacional de Medicina, 2015, pp. 245–254.PDF icon CG-SysSalud.pdf (204.02 KB)
C. Gershenson, Harnessing the Complexity of Education with Information Technology, Complexity, vol. 20, pp. 13–16, 2015.PDF icon 24-eduCx.pdf (146.08 KB)
M. Amoretti and Gershenson, C., Measuring the complexity of adaptive peer-to-peer systems, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, pp. 1-16, 2015.
B. Edmonds and Gershenson, C., Modelling Complexity for Policy: Opportunities and Challenges, in Handobook on Complexity and Public Policy, R. Geyer and Cairney, P., Eds. Edward Elgar, 2015, pp. 205-220.PDF icon 13-PolicyCx.pdf (358.34 KB)
G. Cocho, Flores, J., Gershenson, C., Pineda, C., and Sánchez, S., Rank Diversity of Languages: Generic Behavior in Computational Linguistics, PLoS ONE, vol. 10, p. e0121898, 2015.
C. Gershenson, Requisite Variety, Autopoiesis, and Self-organization, Kybernetes, vol. 44, pp. 866–873, 2015.PDF icon 29-RvASo.pdf (89.43 KB)
R. Murcio, Morphet, R., Gershenson, C., and Batty, M., Urban Transfer Entropy across Scales, PLoS ONE, vol. 10, p. e0133780, 2015.PDF icon 27-UrbanTransferEntropy.pdf (706.57 KB)
C. Gershenson and Helbing, D., When slower is faster, Complexity, vol. 21, pp. 9–15, 2015.PDF icon 30-SIF.pdf (93.34 KB)
T. Froese, Gershenson, C., and Manzanilla, L. R., Can Government Be Self-Organized? A Mathematical Model of the Collective Social Organization of Ancient {Teotihuacan}, Central {Mexico}, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, p. e109966, 2014.
I. Lugo and Gershenson, C., Decoding Road Networks into Ancient Routes: The Case of the Aztec Empire in Mexico, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications {(COMPLEX 2012)}, vol. 126, K. Glass, Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2014, pp. 228–233.
C. Gershenson and Rosado, J., Dolor, placebos y complejidad, in Actualidades en el manejo del dolor y cuidados paliativos, S. Bistre-Cohén, Ed. Mexico: Editorial Alfil, 2014.PDF icon dolor.pdf (121.87 KB)
C. Gershenson, Info-computationalism or Materialism? Neither and Both, Constructivist Foundations, vol. 9, pp. 241–242, 2014.
N. Fernández, Maldonado, C., and Gershenson, C., Information Measures of Complexity, Emergence, Self-organization, Homeostasis, and Autopoiesis, in Guided Self-Organization: Inception, M. Prokopenko, Ed. Springer, 2014, pp. 19-51.PDF icon InfoGSO.pdf (13.3 MB)
N. Fernández and Gershenson, C., Measuring Complexity in an Aquatic Ecosystem, in Advances in Computational Biology, vol. 232, L. F. Castillo, Cristancho, M., Isaza, G., Pinzón, A., and Rodríguez, J. Manuel Cor, Eds. Springer, 2014, pp. 83-89.
D. Zubillaga, Cruz, G., Aguilar, L. Daniel, Zapotécatl, J., Fernández, N., Aguilar, J., Rosenblueth, D. A., and Gershenson, C., Measuring the Complexity of Self-organizing Traffic Lights, Entropy, vol. 16, pp. 2384–2407, 2014.
W. Aguilar, Bonfil, G. Santamarí, Froese, T., and Gershenson, C., The Past, Present, and Future of Artificial Life, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 1, 2014.
C. Gershenson, Csermely, P., Erdi, P., Knyazeva, H., and Laszlo, A., The Past, Present and Future of Cybernetics and Systems Research, systema: connecting matter, life, culture and technology, vol. 1, pp. 4–13, 2014.
L. E. Cortés-Berrueco, Gershenson, C., and Stephens, C. R., Self-organization Promotes the Evolution of Cooperation with Cultural Propagation, in Self-Organizing Systems, vol. 8221, W. Elmenreich, Dressler, F., and Loreto, V., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, pp. 145-150.
C. Gershenson, ?`{Cómo} hablar de complejidad?, {Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, vol. 11, pp. 14–19, 2013.
C. Gershenson, Complexity, in Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, B. Kaldis, Ed. SAGE, 2013.
C. Gershenson, Facing Complexity: Prediction vs. Adaptation, in Complexity Perspectives on Language, Communication and Society, A. Massip and Bastardas, A., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2013, pp. 3-14.
C. Gershenson, The Implications of Interactions for Science and Philosophy, Foundations of Science, vol. Early View, 2013.
C. Gershenson, Living in Living Cities, Artificial Life, vol. In Press, 2013.PDF icon LivingCities.pdf (362.17 KB)
