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Well, most of this was made thanks to the compulsiveness my professors of the FARm in giving us homework and projects, and my mania of doing them

I admit it, I almost don't document my programs (The code is obvious!).

A Behaviours Virtual Laboratory, and it's predeccessor, the Animat Simulation. Artificial autonomous animals in a virtual world, using VRML and Java.

Game of Life with fuzzy and with multidimensional rules (in C++).

CRASH. (Car and Road Automated Simulation in Hyperways) A traffic simulator using intelligent agents (in C++). Winner of the first prize in the prototype contest of the EXPO ESCOM 98.

Try an addictive Tron game for EIGHT players (in Pascal).

Multimedia Data Base in Pascal. In colaboration with Armando Franyuti, Abraham Sánchez and the Chief Ocampo.

My programs of First Semester.

        In Pascal: URM (Unlimited Registry Machine), very simple system of inventry, and many programs for beginners, like a guesser, arrays, strungs, etc.

Of Second.

        In Pascal: Game of Life, several version of Tron,  Inteligent Sub Hunt (well, it beat Skippy and Casper...) recursive matrix summing, fractals, orderers, desorderers, trees of all colours and flavours, Tweening animations, file codifier (so that noone will be able to use a file or program...) (obvoiusly it uncodifies also), A programm that adds, substracts, and multiplies strings, this is, without using any arithmetic function (yes! with tables, so what! it works, doesn't it?!),and a bunch of silly ones, like an unit for measuring times, stacks, queues, Pascal triangle (of Blaise, obviously), Fibonacci numbers, etc.

Of Third.

        In Pascalón: Game of Life in 3D, Hash, B-tree, Simulator of the general law of the gaseous state, fluid mechanics simulator, etc.

Of Fourth.

        In C++: Linked list class, String class, and such sillynesses (like a try of dynamical fractal). What was worth in this semester was the CRASH

Of Fifth.

        In Smalltalk: VRML G-fractal generator, DXF to VRML, double linked list, etc.

        In C++ and/or asm: Example of multidimensional logic, Putpixel, lines, poligons, and playthings in asm.

        In Pascual: Improved B-tree, programs winners in their stage in the 3rd Informatic Olympiad, a tesxt file arranger (improved version of the one of  2nd semester), etc.

Of Sexth.

        Silly things in Prolog.

        Games of Life: with fuzzy logic and with multidimensional logic, in C++.

        In Java: Kruskal algorithms and my improved version of the shortest route general case. The Animat that uses Java and VRML may be found here

Of Seventh and Eight.

        IA search algorithms in LISP.

        In Java: Post machine, arithmetic expression generator, Lindenmeyer Systems interpreter (fractals), Down-Up Compiler, non-dependent of it's grammar, silly excersises, etc. The Behaviours Virtual Lab (BVL) that uses Java and VRML may be found here.

       In APL: Computability theory implementation.

Of Ninth and Tenth.

        Music created from a generalization of Tibonacci series, in Pascal.

        In Java: Simple algorithms of Neural Networks. The zip does not include a superbeta version of the Celulat with VRML. The last version of the Behaviours Virtual Lab (BVL) that uses Java and VRML may be found here.

What we have made in Derive.Math stuff: Projection of the Julia set in the Riemann's sphere, Graphs and relations properties, Desargues theorem, stuff of Descartes, Euler, Herón, etc. Lately I did stuff for Nonlinear Dynamics, like the phase-plane of the pendullum, bifurcation diagrams, Henon's attractor, etc.
