General Stats
Notice that including loose attractors stats change considerably…
Megabug caused previous results of #attr of DARBNs and DGARBNs to be flawed… (sometimes opposite...): some properties of CRBN are in between ARBN and DARBN, and not DARBN in between CRBN and ARBN…
What about Stats for ContextualRBNs???? Still smooth transition???
Different results for number of attractors: frist increase, then decrease but not much…
SHOULD REDO RBNContextual graphs!!!
What about equivalence of attractors??? (same cycle attractor, but fall into the same state at different time periods)
check k=3…
mention JASSS on Model-to-Model: Disadvantage of computer modelling, but no other way of studying these things… need to double check, just like any theory…
RBNsWperiods increase exponentially attr. length with maxP
non-determ have less, but larger attractors
On Non-deterministic Updating
GARBN n coin flips per time step, ARBN one coin flip per time step, MxRBN one coin flip per PurePer time steps
no big difference between ARBN and MxRBN in stability, but big in %statesInAttr (order for free in MxRBN) (but note number of possible states is much larger for MxRBN)
algorithm too memory-expensive for large nets…
very large variance, normal
when not all states, different results (many people work with big nets, but not exhaust all possible initial states, so they get "representative" values, but some of these can vary a lot)
we can argue that natural systems do not explore all possible initial states, and therefore do not reach all possible attractors, but that is not the point. There is a complexity reduction anyway.
number of attractors increase seems to be linear, not sqrt(n). But we are exhausting all possible initial states, and not all possible nets… that could be a different result…
the smaller delta (or any order parameter), the larger the complexity reduction (low % of states in attr, shorter lengths of attr. Basins (Wuenshce))
ordered dynamics reduce complexity too much, not flexible nor evolvable -> balance, edge of chaos
the less connections, the more complexity reduction