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N. Fernández, Aguilar, J., Gershenson, C., and Terán, O., Sistemas Dinámicos como Redes Computacionales de Agentes para la evaluación de sus Propiedades Emergentes., in II Simposio Cient{\'ıfico y Tecnológico en Computación SCTC 2012, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2012.
N. Fernández, Rivera, V., and Gershenson, C., Sistemas con Dinámica Acoplada y Redes de Defensa y Ataque: Representación de las Interacciones en Juegos de Competición, 8 Congreso Internacional en Ciencias del Deporte. Pachuca, México, 2019.PDF icon Sistemas con Dinámica Acoplada y Redes de Defensa y Ataque.pdf (281.28 KB)
C. Gershenson, The Sigma Profile: A Formal Tool to Study Organization and its Evolution at Multiple Scales, Complexity, vol. 16, pp. 37-44, 2011.
C. Gershenson, Self-organizing urban transportation systems, in Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age: An Overview with Implications to Urban Planning and Design, J. Portugali, Meyer, H., Stolk, E., and Tan, E., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2012, pp. 269-279.
C. Gershenson and Rosenblueth, D. A., Self-organizing traffic lights at multiple-street intersections, Complexity, vol. 17, pp. 23-39, 2012.
S. Bae Cools, Gershenson, C., and D'Hooghe}, B. {, Self-organizing traffic lights: A realistic simulation, in Self-Organization: Applied Multi-Agent Systems, M. Prokopenko, Ed. Springer, 2007, pp. 41–49.
C. Gershenson, Self-Organizing Traffic Lights, Complex Systems, vol. 16, pp. 29–53, 2005.
C. Gershenson, Self-organizing Traffic Control: First Results. 2003.
R. { De La Guardia} and Gershenson, C., Self-organizing systems on chip, Intel Technology Journal, vol. 16, pp. 182–201, 2012.
C. Bettstetter and Gershenson, C., Eds., Self-Organizing Systems 5th International Workshop, IWSOS 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 23-24, 2011, Proceedings. Springer LNCS 6557, vol. 6557. Springer, 2011.
C. Virágh, Nagy, M., Gershenson, C., and Vásárhelyi, G., Self-organized UAV Traffic in Realistic Environments, in Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, Daejeon, South Korea: IEEE, 2016, pp. 1645–1652.PDF icon 43-IROS-UAVs.pdf (915.78 KB)
C. Gershenson, Self-organization leads to supraoptimal performance in public transportation systems, {PLoS ONE}, vol. 6, p. e21469, 2011.
