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Journal Article
C. Gershenson, Csermely, P., Erdi, P., Knyazeva, H., and Laszlo, A., The Past, Present and Future of Cybernetics and Systems Research, systema: connecting matter, life, culture and technology, vol. 1, pp. 4–13, 2014.
C. Gershenson, Philosophical Ideas on the Simulation of Social Behaviour, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 5, 2002.
C. Gershenson and Wisdom, T., Previniendo enfermedades crónico-degenerativas con vacunas sociales, Cirug{\'ıa y Cirujanos, vol. 81, pp. 83-84, 2013.
G. Cocho, Rodríguez, R. F., Sánchez, S., Flores, J., Pineda, C., and Gershenson, C., Rank-frequency distribution of natural languages: A difference of probabilities approach, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 532, p. 121795, 2019.
C. Gershenson, Requisite Variety, Autopoiesis, and Self-organization, Kybernetes, vol. 44, pp. 866–873, 2015.PDF icon 29-RvASo.pdf (89.43 KB)
C. Gershenson, Self-organization leads to supraoptimal performance in public transportation systems, {PLoS ONE}, vol. 6, p. e21469, 2011.
R. { De La Guardia} and Gershenson, C., Self-organizing systems on chip, Intel Technology Journal, vol. 16, pp. 182–201, 2012.
C. Gershenson, Self-Organizing Traffic Lights, Complex Systems, vol. 16, pp. 29–53, 2005.
C. Gershenson and Rosenblueth, D. A., Self-organizing traffic lights at multiple-street intersections, Complexity, vol. 17, pp. 23-39, 2012.
C. Gershenson, The Sigma Profile: A Formal Tool to Study Organization and its Evolution at Multiple Scales, Complexity, vol. 16, pp. 37-44, 2011.
C. A. Piña-García, Gershenson, C., and J. Siqueiros-García, M., Towards a Standard Sampling Methodology on Online Social Networks: Collecting Global Trends on Twitter, Applied Network Science, vol. 1, p. 3, 2016.PDF icon 13-SamplingTwitter.pdf (2.24 MB)
C. Gershenson, Towards Self-organizing Bureaucracies, International Journal of Public Information Systems, vol. 2008, pp. 1–24, 2008.
C. Gershenson, What does artificial life tell us about death?, International Journal of Artificial Life Research, vol. 2, pp. 1-5, 2011.
C. Gershenson and Pineda, L. A., Why does public transport not arrive on time? The pervasiveness of equal headway instability, {PLoS ONE}, vol. 4, p. e7292, 2009.
C. Gershenson, Santi, P., and Ratti, C., Adaptive Cities: A Cybernetic Perspective on Urban Systems. 2016.
C. Gershenson, Adaptive Development of Koncepts in Virtual Animats: Insights Into the Development of Knowledge. 2002.
C. Gershenson, Artificial Societies of Intelligent Agents. Fundación Arturo Rosenblueth, 2001.
V. C. Valerio Holguín, Gershenson, C., Herrera, J. Luis, Martínez, J. H., Santos, M. Rueda, Corona, O. López, Jáuregui, Gde Anda, Iñiguez, G., Guzmán, A. J. Morales, and Carlock, J. R. Nicolá, Complejidad Explicada. 2019.
M. De Domenico, Camargo, C., Gershenson, C., Goldsmith, D., Jeschonnek, S., Kay, L., Nichele, S., Nicolás, J., Schmickl, T., Stella, M., Brandoff, J., Salinas, Á. José Mart, and Sayama, H., Complexity Explained: A Grassroot Collaborative Initiative to Create a Set of Essential Concepts of Complex Systems.. 2019.
C. Gershenson, Contextuality: A Philosophical Paradigm, with Applications to Philosophy of Cognitive Science. 2002.
C. Gershenson, Iñiguez, G., Pineda, C., Guerrero, R., Islas, E., Pineda, O., and Zumaya, M., Evasión en IVA: Análisis de redes. 2019.
C. Gershenson, Information in Science and Buddhist Philosophy: Towards a Non-Materialistic Worldview. 2018.
