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On principles of emergent organization

Sun, 05/05/2024 - 11:47

Adam Rupe, James P. Crutchfield

Physics Reports

Volume 1071, 13 June 2024, Pages 1-47

After more than a century of concerted effort, physics still lacks basic principles of spontaneous self-organization. To appreciate why, we first state the problem, outline historical approaches, and survey the present state of the physics of self-organization. This frames the particular challenges arising from mathematical intractability and the resulting need for computational approaches, as well as those arising from a chronic failure to define structure. Then, an overview of two modern mathematical formulations of organization—intrinsic computation and evolution operators—lays out a way to overcome these challenges. Additionally, we show how intrinsic computation and evolution operators combine to produce a general framework showing physical consistency between emergent behaviors and their underlying physics. This statistical mechanics of emergence provides a theoretical foundation for data-driven approaches to organization necessitated by analytic intractability. Taken all together, the result is a constructive path towards principles of organization that builds on the mathematical identification of structure.

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Non-Spatial Hash Chemistry as a Minimalistic Open-Ended Evolutionary System

Thu, 05/02/2024 - 18:26

Hiroki Sayama

There is an increasing level of interest in open-endedness in the recent literature of Artificial Life and Artificial Intelligence. We previously proposed the cardinality leap of possibility spaces as a promising mechanism to facilitate open-endedness in artificial evolutionary systems, and demonstrated its effectiveness using Hash Chemistry, an artificial chemistry model that used a hash function as a universal fitness evaluator. However, the spatial nature of Hash Chemistry came with extensive computational costs involved in its simulation, and the particle density limit imposed to prevent explosion of computational costs prevented unbounded growth in complexity of higher-order entities. To address these limitations, here we propose a simpler non-spatial variant of Hash Chemistry in which spatial proximity of particles are represented explicitly in the form of multisets. This model modification achieved a significant reduction of computational costs in simulating the model. Results of numerical simulations showed much more significant unbounded growth in both maximal and average sizes of replicating higher-order entities than the original model, demonstrating the effectiveness of this non-spatial model as a minimalistic example of open-ended evolutionary systems.

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Making Sense of Chaos: A Better Economics for a Better World, by J. Doyne Farmer

Thu, 05/02/2024 - 16:32

We live in an age of increasing complexity, where accelerating technology and global interconnection hold more promise – and more peril – than any other time in human history. As well as financial crises, issues around climate change, automation, growing inequality and polarization are all rooted in the economy, yet standard economic predictions fail us.

Many books have been written about Doyne Farmer and his pioneering work in chaos and complexity theory. Making Sense of Chaos is the first in his own words, presenting a manifesto for doing economics better. In a tale of science and ideas, Farmer fuses his profound knowledge with stories from his life to explain how to harness a scientific revolution to address the economic conundrums facing society.

Using big data and ever more powerful computers, we can for the first time apply complex systems science to economic activity, building realistic models of the global economy. The resulting simulations and the emergent behaviour we observe form the cornerstone of complexity economics. This new science, Farmer shows, will allow us to test ideas and make significantly better economic predictions – and, ultimately, create a better world.

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Workshop: Demystifying machine learning for population researchers. November 5-6, Rostock, Germany

Wed, 05/01/2024 - 08:35

Advances in computational power and statistical algorithms, in conjunction with the increasing availability of large datasets, have led to a Cambrian explosion of machine learning (ML) methods. For population researchers, these methods are useful not only for predicting population dynamics but also as tools to improve causal inference tasks. However, the rapid evolution of this literature, coupled with terminological disparities from conventional approaches, renders these methods enigmatic and arduous for many population researchers to grasp.

This workshop on November 5 to 6, 2024 at the Max Planck Intsitute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, Germany, clarifies the goals, techniques, and applications of machine learning methods for population research. The workshop covers

  • an introduction to ML methods for population researchers,
  • showcases of ML applications to answer causal questions,
  • discussions of the current developments of ML for population health, fertility and family dynamics, and
  • fosters critical discussions about the shortfalls of these techniques.

The main focus of this workshop is on ML techniques using quantitative population data and research questions, not on ML language models. The workshop consists of keynotes, contributed sessions, and a tutorial.

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Beyond by Martin Nowak

Mon, 04/29/2024 - 20:57

Beyond is a Socratic love story, a Platonic dialogue, a Bhagavad Gita of our times: a philosophical quest folded into an epic exploration of the world. Imagine an encounter with unconfused human existence. What does it mean to fall in love with God? Can the Good only adopt the role of a servant, or can it rise to provide a beacon of light ruling us?

How often we are caught in the myopic perspective that the material world is all there is! And yet, mathematics and science themselves point to a greater, all-embracing, unchanging reality. This insight suffices to move past selfishness and advance humanity to the next level. Beyond dismantles the artificial borders that have for too long separated genres: here, science confronts philosophy, mathematics engages religion, poetry brings nonfiction to life, time meets infinity. Beyond is sui generis.

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Complexity, Artificial Life, and Artificial Intelligence

Mon, 04/29/2024 - 09:12

Carlos Gershenson

The scientific fields of complexity, artificial life (ALife), and artificial intelligence (A.I.) share several commonalities: historic, conceptual, methodological, and philosophical. It was possible to develop them only because of information technology, while their origins can be traced back to cybernetics. In this perspective, I’ll revise the expectations and limitations of these fields, some of which have their roots in the limits of formal systems. I will use interactions, self-organization, emergence, and balance to compare different aspects of complexity, ALife, and A.I. The paper poses more questions than answers, but hopefully it will be useful to align efforts in these fields towards overcoming — or accepting — their limits.

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The path of complexity

Sun, 04/21/2024 - 18:13

Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Antoine Allard, Joshua Garland, Elizabeth A. Hobson & Luis Zaman 
npj Complexity volume 1, Article number: 4 (2024)

Complexity science studies systems where large numbers of components or subsystems, at times of a different nature, combine to produce surprising emergent phenomena apparent at multiple scales. It is these phenomena, hidden behind the often deceptively simple rules that govern individual components, that best define complex systems. Since these behaviors of interest arise from interactions between parts, complex systems are not counterparts to simple systems but rather to separable ones. Their study therefore often requires a collaborative approach to science, studying a problem across scales and disciplinary domains. However, this approach introduces challenges into the ways collaborations function across traditionally-siloed disciplines, and in the publication of complexity science, which often does not fall cleanly into disciplinary journals. In this editorial, we provide our view of the current state of complex systems research and explain how this new journal will fill an important niche for researchers working on these ideas.

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A taxonomy of multiple stable states in complex ecological communities

Sun, 04/21/2024 - 13:35

Guim Aguadé-Gorgorió, Jean-François Arnoldi, Matthieu Barbier, Sonia Kéfi

Ecology Letters

Natural systems are built from multiple interconnected units, making their dynamics, functioning and fragility notoriously hard to predict. A fragility scenario of particular relevance concerns so-called regime shifts: abrupt transitions from healthy to degraded ecosystem states. An explanation for these shifts is that they arise as transitions between alternative stable states, a process that is well-understood in few-species models. However, how multistability upscales with system complexity remains a debated question. Here, we identify that four different multistability regimes generically emerge in models of species-rich communities and other archetypical complex biological systems assuming random interactions. Across the studied models, each regime consistently emerges under a specific interaction scheme and leaves a distinct set of fingerprints in terms of the number of observed states, their species richness and their response to perturbations. Our results help clarify the conditions and types of multistability that can be expected to occur in complex ecological communities.

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Price of Anarchy in Algorithmic Matching of Romantic Partners

Sat, 04/20/2024 - 15:28

Andrés Abeliuk, Khaled Elbassioni, Talal Rahwan, Manuel Cebrian, Iyad Rahwan

Algorithmic matching is a pervasive mechanism in our social lives and is becoming a major medium through which people find romantic partners and potential spouses. However, romantic matching markets pose a principal-agent problem with the potential for moral hazard. The agent’s (or system’s) interest is to maximize the use of the matching website, while the principal’s (or user’s) interest is to find the best possible match. This creates a conflict of interest: the optimal matching of users may not be aligned with the platform’s goal of maximizing engagement, as it could lead to long-term relationships and fewer users using the site over time. Here, we borrow the notion of price of anarchy from game theory to quantify the decrease in social efficiency of online algorithmic matching sites where engagement is in tension with user utility. We derive theoretical bounds on the price of anarchy and show that it can be bounded by a constant that does not depend on the number of users in the system. This suggests that as online matching sites grow, their potential benefits scale up without sacrificing social efficiency. Further, we conducted experiments with human subjects in a matching market and compared the social welfare achieved by an optimal matching service against a self-interested matching algorithm. We show that introducing competition among matching sites aligns the self-interested behavior of platform designers with their users and increases social efficiency.

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Stress Sharing as Cognitive Glue for Collective Intelligences: a computational model of stress as a coordinator for morphogenesis

Fri, 04/19/2024 - 13:20

Lakshwin Shreesha and Michael Levin

Individual cells have numerous competencies in physiological and metabolic spaces. However, multicellular collectives can reliably navigate anatomical morphospace towards much larger, reliable endpoints. Understanding the robustness and control properties of this process is critical for evolutionary developmental biology, bioengineering, and regenerative medicine. One mechanism that has been proposed for enabling individual cells to coordinate toward specific morphological outcomes is the sharing of stress (where stress is a physiological parameter that reflects the current amount of error in the context of a homeostatic loop). Here, we construct and analyze a multiscale agent-based model of morphogenesis in which we quantitatively examine the impact of stress sharing on the ability to reach target morphology. We found that stress sharing improves the morphogenetic efficiency of multicellular collectives; populations with stress sharing reached anatomical targets faster. Moreover, stress sharing influenced the future fate of distant cells in the multi-cellular collective, enhancing cells’ movement and their radius of influence, consistent with the hypothesis that stress sharing works to increase cohesiveness of collectives. During development, anatomical goal states could not be inferred from observation of stress states, revealing the limitations of knowledge of goals by an extern observer outside the system itself. Taken together, our analyses support an important role for stress sharing in natural and engineered systems that seek robust large-scale behaviors to emerge from the activity of their competent components.

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Explosive Cooperation in Social Dilemmas on Higher-Order Networks

Thu, 04/18/2024 - 13:15

Andrea Civilini, Onkar Sadekar, Federico Battiston, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, and Vito Latora

Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 167401

Understanding how cooperative behaviors can emerge from competitive interactions is an open problem in biology and social sciences. While interactions are usually modeled as pairwise networks, the units of many real-world systems can also interact in groups of three or more. Here, we introduce a general framework to extend pairwise games to higher-order networks. By studying social dilemmas on hypergraphs with a tunable structure, we find an explosive transition to cooperation triggered by a critical number of higher-order games. The associated bistable regime implies that an initial critical mass of cooperators is also required for the emergence of prosocial behavior. Our results show that higher-order interactions provide a novel explanation for the survival of cooperation.

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Collective behavior from surprise minimization

Thu, 04/18/2024 - 08:27

Conor Heins, Beren Millidge, Lancelot Da Costa,  Richard P. Mann,  Karl J. Friston, Iain D. Couzin


We introduce a model of collective behavior, proposing that individual members within a group, such as a school of fish or a flock of birds, act to minimize surprise. This active inference approach naturally generates well-known collective phenomena such as cohesion and directed movement without explicit behavioral rules. Our model reveals intricate relationships between individual beliefs and group properties, demonstrating that beliefs about uncertainty can shape collective decision-making accuracy. As agents update their generative model in real time, groups become more sensitive to external perturbations and more robust in encoding information. Our work provides fresh insights into understanding collective dynamics and could inspire strategies in the study of animal behavior, swarm robotics, and distributed systems.

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Biocomputation: Moving Beyond Turing with Living Cellular Computers

Wed, 04/17/2024 - 15:18

Ángel Goñi-Moreno

Communications of the ACM

Leveraging the synergies between theoretical CS and synthetic biology to create powerful cellular computers and move beyond Turing computation.

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CSS Scientific Awards, deadline approaching

Wed, 04/17/2024 - 13:14

The Complex Systems Society announces the ninth edition of the CSS Scientific Awards. 

The Emerging Researcher Award recognizes promising researchers in Complex Systems within 3 years of the PhD defense.

The Junior Scientific Award is aimed at recognizing excellent scientific record of young researchers within 10 years of the PhD defense.

The Senior Scientific Award will recognize outstanding contributions of Complex Systems scholars at whatever stage of their careers.

Deadline: April 30th, 2024.

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A Dynamical Systems View of Psychiatric Disorders—Theory: A Review

Sat, 04/13/2024 - 09:18

Marten Scheffer, Claudi L. Bockting, Denny Borsboom, et al.

JAMA Psychiatry

Importance Psychiatric disorders may come and go with symptoms changing over a lifetime. This suggests the need for a paradigm shift in diagnosis and treatment. Here we present a fresh look inspired by dynamical systems theory. This theory is used widely to explain tipping points, cycles, and chaos in complex systems ranging from the climate to ecosystems.

Observations In the dynamical systems view, we propose the healthy state has a basin of attraction representing its resilience, while disorders are alternative attractors in which the system can become trapped. Rather than an immutable trait, resilience in this approach is a dynamical property. Recent work has demonstrated the universality of generic dynamical indicators of resilience that are now employed globally to monitor the risks of collapse of complex systems, such as tropical rainforests and tipping elements of the climate system. Other dynamical systems tools are used in ecology and climate science to infer causality from time series. Moreover, experiences in ecological restoration confirm the theoretical prediction that under some conditions, short interventions may invoke long-term success when they flip the system into an alternative basin of attraction. All this implies practical applications for psychiatry, as are discussed in part 2 of this article.

Conclusions and Relevance Work in the field of dynamical systems points to novel ways of inferring causality and quantifying resilience from time series. Those approaches have now been tried and tested in a range of complex systems. The same tools may help monitoring and managing resilience of the healthy state as well as psychiatric disorders.

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See Also: A Dynamical Systems View of Psychiatric Disorders—Practical Implications: A Review

The Third Story of the Universe: an evolutionary worldview for the noosphere

Fri, 04/12/2024 - 09:22

Francis Heylighen, Shima Beigi, Clement Vidal

This report is a first survey of a new, evolutionary narrative, called the Third Story, intended to replace and complement the earlier religious (First) and mechanistic (Second) worldviews. We first argue that the confusions created by a world that is ever more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) have eroded people’s sense of coherence, that is, the degree to which they experience the world as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. The First Story provides meaning and values, but its descriptions no longer provide an accurate understanding of how the universe functions. The Second Story, which sees the universe as a clockwork mechanism governed by the laws of nature, provides more accurate predictions that allow us to build powerful technologies. However, it does not provide meaning or values. The Third Story sees the universe as self-organizing towards increasing complexity and consciousness, subsequently producing matter, life, mind and society. It understands the fundamental mechanism of evolution as mutual adaptation or “fit” between interacting systems, thus generating synergetic wholes that in turn interact, so as integrate into even more complex wholes. Its implicit value is the search for fitness and synergy, thus inviting individuals to work towards a further integration of the noosphere, i.e. the planetary superorganism formed by humanity, its technological extensions, and the ecosystem.

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Emergence of fractal geometries in the evolution of a metabolic enzyme

Thu, 04/11/2024 - 09:19

Franziska L. Sendker, Yat Kei Lo, Thomas Heimerl, Stefan Bohn, Louise J. Persson, Christopher-Nils Mais, Wiktoria Sadowska, Nicole Paczia, Eva Nußbaum, María del Carmen Sánchez Olmos, Karl Forchhammer, Daniel Schindler, Tobias J. Erb, Justin L. P. Benesch, Erik G. Marklund, Gert Bange, Jan M. Schuller & Georg K. A. Hochberg 
Nature (2024)

Fractals are patterns that are self-similar across multiple length-scales. Macroscopic fractals are common in nature; however, so far, molecular assembly into fractals is restricted to synthetic systems. Here we report the discovery of a natural protein, citrate synthase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus, which self-assembles into Sierpiński triangles. Using cryo-electron microscopy, we reveal how the fractal assembles from a hexameric building block. Although different stimuli modulate the formation of fractal complexes and these complexes can regulate the enzymatic activity of citrate synthase in vitro, the fractal may not serve a physiological function in vivo. We use ancestral sequence reconstruction to retrace how the citrate synthase fractal evolved from non-fractal precursors, and the results suggest it may have emerged as a harmless evolutionary accident. Our findings expand the space of possible protein complexes and demonstrate that intricate and regulatable assemblies can evolve in a single substitution.

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Misinformation and harmful language are interconnected, rather than distinct, challenges

Wed, 04/10/2024 - 09:28

Mohsen Mosleh, Rocky Cole, David G Rand Author Notes
PNAS Nexus, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2024, pgae111,

There is considerable concern about users posting misinformation and harmful language on social media. Substantial—yet largely distinct—bodies of research have studied these two kinds of problematic content. Here, we shed light on both research streams by examining the relationship between the sharing of misinformation and the use of harmful language. We do so by creating and analyzing a dataset of 8,687,758 posts from N = 6,832 Twitter (now called X) users, and a dataset of N = 14,617 true and false headlines from professional fact-checking websites. Our analyses reveal substantial positive associations between misinformation and harmful language. On average, Twitter posts containing links to lower-quality news outlets also contain more harmful language (β = 0.10); and false headlines contain more harmful language than true headlines (β = 0.19). Additionally, Twitter users who share links to lower-quality news sources also use more harmful language—even in non-news posts that are unrelated to (mis)information (β = 0.13). These consistent findings across different datasets and levels of analysis suggest that misinformation and harmful language are related in important ways, rather than being distinct phenomena. At the same, however, the strength of associations is not sufficiently high to make the presence of harmful language a useful diagnostic for information quality: most low-quality information does not contain harmful language, and a considerable fraction of high-quality information does contain harmful language. Overall, our results underscore important opportunities to integrate these largely disconnected strands of research and understand their psychological connections.

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Dynamical stability and chaos in artificial neural network trajectories along training

Wed, 04/10/2024 - 08:11

Kaloyan Danovski, Miguel C. Soriano, Lucas Lacasa
The process of training an artificial neural network involves iteratively adapting its parameters so as to minimize the error of the network’s prediction, when confronted with a learning task. This iterative change can be naturally interpreted as a trajectory in network space — a time series of networks — and thus the training algorithm (e.g. gradient descent optimization of a suitable loss function) can be interpreted as a dynamical system in graph space. In order to illustrate this interpretation, here we study the dynamical properties of this process by analyzing through this lens the network trajectories of a shallow neural network, and its evolution through learning a simple classification task. We systematically consider different ranges of the learning rate and explore both the dynamical and orbital stability of the resulting network trajectories, finding hints of regular and chaotic behavior depending on the learning rate regime. Our findings are put in contrast to common wisdom on convergence properties of neural networks and dynamical systems theory. This work also contributes to the cross-fertilization of ideas between dynamical systems theory, network theory and machine learning

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Human Mobility in the Metaverse

Tue, 04/09/2024 - 13:42

Kishore Vasan, Marton Karsai, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

The metaverse promises a shift in the way humans interact with each other, and with their digital and physical environments. The lack of geographical boundaries and travel costs in the metaverse prompts us to ask if the fundamental laws that govern human mobility in the physical world apply. We collected data on avatar movements, along with their network mobility extracted from NFT purchases. We find that despite the absence of commuting costs, an individuals inclination to explore new locations diminishes over time, limiting movement to a small fraction of the metaverse. We also find a lack of correlation between land prices and visitation, a deviation from the patterns characterizing the physical world. Finally, we identify the scaling laws that characterize meta mobility and show that we need to add preferential selection to the existing models to explain quantitative patterns of metaverse mobility. Our ability to predict the characteristics of the emerging meta mobility network implies that the laws governing human mobility are rooted in fundamental patterns of human dynamics, rather than the nature of space and cost of movement.

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