Title | Adaptive Development of Koncepts in Virtual Animats: Insights Into the Development of Knowledge |
Publication Type | Unpublished |
Year of Publication | 2002 |
Authors | Gershenson, C |
Abstract | As a part of our effort for studying the evolution and development of cognition, we present results derived from synthetic experimentations in a virtual laboratory where animats develop koncepts adaptively and ground their meaning through action. We introduce the term "koncept" to avoid confusions and ambiguity derived from the wide use of the word "concept". We present the models which our animats use for abstracting koncepts from perceptions, plastically adapt koncepts, and associate koncepts with actions. On a more philosophical vein, we suggest that knowledge is a property of a cognitive system, not an element, and therefore observer-dependent. |
URL | http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs/0211027 |