Carlos Gershenson's homepage


Here you will find links to my programming projects. They all have their source code available.


Random Agent Networks A Software Laboratory for studying Random Agent Networks, a simple simulation for illustrating the benefits of self-organization in social organizations. Java. 2005.
SOTL Self-organizing Traffic Lights. NetLogo model. 2004-2005
SOTraCon Self-organizing Traffic Control. Virtual Laboratory. Java and Java 3D. In Progress.
RBNLab A Software Laboratory for studying the properties of different types of Random Boolean Networks. It can calculate attractor statistics, graphic representation of dynamics, topology graph, etc. Java Applet. 2001-2004.
KEBA A virtual laboratory for comparing different types of cognitive architectures, implemented in different animats. There are rule-based, behaviour-based, concept-based, neural network, and Braitenberg-style animats. Java and Java 3D. 2001-2002.
ASIA A Behaviours Virtual Laboratory used for studying Artificial Societies of Intelligent Agents. Virtual laboratory where predator and prey animats try to survive in their environment. Imitation and induction of behaviours. Reflex, reactive, and motivated behaviours. Adaptation of motivation degree, classical conditioning. Useful for experimenting with virtual creatures, but also for teaching and learning animal behaviour. Java and VRML (Java EAI). 1999-2001.
CRASH Car and Road Automated Simulation in Hyperways. Agent-based traffic simulation where cars do not stop at crossings, but crossings predict when cars will pass through them, and if a collision would occur cars adjust their speed accordingly. In C++. 1998.
BEng Programming Lots of programs in Java, Pascal, C++, Derive, Smalltalk, Prolog, and LISP, made during my BEng in Mexico. Also in Spanish. 1996-2001.

This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL.

Carlos Gershenson's homepage