
A. María Hernández-Hernández, Siqueiros-García, J. M., Robles-Belmont, E., and Gershenson, C., Anger while driving in Mexico City, PLOS ONE, vol. 14, pp. 1-20, 2019.
V. C. Valerio Holguín, Gershenson, C., Herrera, J. Luis, Martínez, J. H., Santos, M. Rueda, Corona, O. López, Jáuregui, Gde Anda, Iñiguez, G., Guzmán, A. J. Morales, and Carlock, J. R. Nicolá, Complejidad Explicada. 2019.
M. De Domenico, Camargo, C., Gershenson, C., Goldsmith, D., Jeschonnek, S., Kay, L., Nichele, S., Nicolás, J., Schmickl, T., Stella, M., Brandoff, J., Salinas, Á. José Mart, and Sayama, H., Complexity Explained: A Grassroot Collaborative Initiative to Create a Set of Essential Concepts of Complex Systems.. 2019.
L. A. Escobar, Kim, H., and Gershenson, C., Effects of Antimodularity and Multiscale Influence in Random Boolean Networks, Complexity, vol. 2019, p. 14, 2019.
E. Colman, Holme, P., Sayama, H., and Gershenson, C., Efficient sentinel surveillance strategies for preventing epidemics on networks, PLOS Computational Biology, vol. 15, pp. 1-19, 2019.
N. Fernández, Zumaya, M., and Gershenson, C., El Síndrome de los Datos Ricos e Información Pobre en Deportes de Competición: Perspectiva desde las Ciencias Computacionales y Ciencia de Datos, 8 Congreso Internacional en Ciencias del Deporte. Pachuca, México, 2019.PDF icon El Síndrome de los Datos Ricos e Información Pobre en Deportes de Competición.pdf (301.32 KB)
C. Gershenson, Iñiguez, G., Pineda, C., Guerrero, R., Islas, E., Pineda, O., and Zumaya, M., Evasión en IVA: Análisis de redes. 2019.
H. Kim, Pineda, O. K., and Gershenson, C., A Multilayer Structure Facilitates the Production of Antifragile Systems in Boolean Network Models, Complexity, vol. 2019, p. 11, 2019.
O. K. Pineda, Kim, H., and Gershenson, C., A Novel Antifragility Measure Based on Satisfaction and Its Application to Random and Biological Boolean Networks, Complexity, vol. 2019, p. 10, 2019.
G. Cocho, Rodríguez, R. F., Sánchez, S., Flores, J., Pineda, C., and Gershenson, C., Rank-frequency distribution of natural languages: A difference of probabilities approach, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 532, p. 121795, 2019.
C. L. González, Zapotecatl, J. L., Gershenson, C., Alberola, J. M., and Julian, V., A robustness approach to the distributed management of traffic intersections, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2019.
N. Fernández, Rivera, V., and Gershenson, C., Sistemas con Dinámica Acoplada y Redes de Defensa y Ataque: Representación de las Interacciones en Juegos de Competición, 8 Congreso Internacional en Ciencias del Deporte. Pachuca, México, 2019.PDF icon Sistemas con Dinámica Acoplada y Redes de Defensa y Ataque.pdf (281.28 KB)
J. M. Siqueiros-García, Froese, T., Gershenson, C., Aguilar, W., Sayama, H., and Izquierdo, E., ALife and Society: Editorial Introduction to the Artificial Life Conference 2016 Special Issue, Artificial Life, vol. 24, pp. 1–4, 2018.
N. Fernández, Rivera, V., Madrid, Y., Restrepo, G., Leal, W., and Gershenson, C., Coupled Dynamical Systems and Defense-Attack Networks: Representation of Soccer Players Interactions, in Conference on Complex Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018.PDF icon DASoccerNetwork.pdf (198.92 KB)
C. A. Piña-García, J. Siqueiros-García, M., Robles-Belmont, E., Carreón, G., Gershenson, C., and López, J. Amador Dí, From neuroscience to computer science: a topical approach on Twitter, Journal of Computational Social Science, vol. 1, pp. 187–208, 2018.
C. Gershenson, Information in Science and Buddhist Philosophy: Towards a Non-Materialistic Worldview. 2018.
N. Fernández, Ortega, O., Madrid, Y., Restrepo, G., Leal, W., and Gershenson, C., Modeling Systems with Coupled Dynamics (SCDs): A Multi-Agent, Networks, and Game Theory-based Approach, in Conference on Complex Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018.PDF icon CoupleDynamics.pdf (119.3 KB)
V. Karbovsk, ii, Voloshin, D., Karsakov, A., Bezgodov, A., and Gershenson, C., Multimodel agent-based simulation environment for mass-gatherings and pedestrian dynamics, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 79, pp. 155–165, 2018.
J. A. Morales, Colman, E., Sánchez, S., Sánchez-Puig, F., Pineda, C., Iñiguez, G., Cocho, G., Flores, J., and Gershenson, C., Rank Dynamics of Word Usage at Multiple Scales, Frontiers in Physics, vol. 6, p. 45, 2018.
C. Gershenson, Trianni, V., Werfel, J., and Sayama, H., Self-Organization and Artificial Life: A Review, in The 2018 Conference on Artificial Life: A Hybrid of the European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL) and the International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), T. Ikegami, Virgo, N., Witkowski, O., Oka, M., Suzuki, R., and Iizuka, H., Eds. Tokyo, Japan: MIT Press, 2018, pp. 510–517.
