  • 05/04/2024 You can see the list of accepted papers for the 2024 workshop.
  • 12/06/2023 The AmericasNLP 2024 workshop will be co-located with NAACL 2024 in Mexico City!
  • 02/09/2023 The AmericasNLP 2023 workshop will be co-located with ACL 2023 in Toronto!
  • 11/28/2022: The winners of the AmericasNLP 2022 competition are announced
  • 10/16/2022: The MT test inputs are now online
  • 09/20/2022: The test inputs are now online
  • 09/16/2022: The input data of test set will be published on September 20
  • 05/23/2022: Pilot data for the AmericasNLP 2022 competition is online
  • 05/23/2022: Information about the Second AmericasNLP Competition: Speech-to-Text Translation for Indigenous Languages of the Americas is online

AmericasNLP aims to...

The website of the First Workshop on NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas can be found here, and more information on the AmericasNLP 2021 Shared Task on Open Machine Translation is here.

AmericasNLP is looking for volunteers and sponsors!

If you are interested in getting involved in or supporting research on NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas, please reach out to Manuel Mager ( or Katharina Kann (
Design: Rebeca Guerrero and Manuel Mager