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C. Gershenson, Trianni, V., Werfel, J., and Sayama, H., Self-Organization and Artificial Life: A Review, in The 2018 Conference on Artificial Life: A Hybrid of the European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL) and the International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE), T. Ikegami, Virgo, N., Witkowski, O., Oka, M., Suzuki, R., and Iizuka, H., Eds. Tokyo, Japan: MIT Press, 2018, pp. 510–517.
C. Gershenson, Self-Organization and Emergence in Life Sciences. Bernard Feltz, Marc Crommelinck, and Philippe Goujon (Eds.). (2006, Synthese Library Vol. 331, Springer.) Hardcover, €139, $179, 360 pages, Artificial Life, vol. 14, pp. 239-240, 2008.
S. Goel, Bush, S. F., and Gershenson, C., Self-Organization in Traffic Lights: Evolution of Signal Control with Advances in Sensors and Communications. 2017.
L. E. Cortés-Berrueco, Gershenson, C., and Stephens, C. R., Self-organization Promotes the Evolution of Cooperation with Cultural Propagation, in Self-Organizing Systems, vol. 8221, W. Elmenreich, Dressler, F., and Loreto, V., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, pp. 145-150.
M. A. Rodriguez, Steinbock, D. J., Watkins, J. H., Gershenson, C., Bollen, J., Grey, V., and deGraf, B., Smartocracy: Social Networks for Collective Decision Making, in Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), 2007.
