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C. Gershenson, Behaviour-Based Knowledge Systems: An Epigenetic Path from Behaviour to Knowledge, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2002, vol. 94, pp. 35–41.
C. Gershenson, Classification of Random {Boolean} Networks, in Artificial Life {VIII}: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Artificial Life, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2002, pp. 1–8.
C. Gershenson, Cognitive Paradigms: Which One is the Best?, Cognitive Systems Research, vol. 5, pp. 135–156, 2004.
C. Gershenson, Comments to Neutrosophy, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Set, Probability and Statistics, University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM, 2001, pp. 139–146.
C. Gershenson, ?`{Cómo} hablar de complejidad?, {Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, vol. 11, pp. 14–19, 2013.
C. Gershenson, Comparing Different Cognitive Paradigms with a Virtual Laboratory, in {IJCAI}-03: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003, pp. 1635–1636.
C. Gershenson, A Comparison of Different Cognitive Paradigms Using Simple Animats in a Virtual Laboratory, with Implications to the Notion of Cognition, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex, 2002.
V. C. Valerio Holguín, Gershenson, C., Herrera, J. Luis, Martínez, J. H., Santos, M. Rueda, Corona, O. López, Jáuregui, Gde Anda, Iñiguez, G., Guzmán, A. J. Morales, and Carlock, J. R. Nicolá, Complejidad Explicada. 2019.
C. Gershenson, Complejidad, Tecnología y Sociedad, Investigación y Ciencia, vol. 460, pp. 48-54, 2015.PDF icon 08-NIYC0115_48-54.pdf (689.58 KB)
C. Gershenson, Complejidad y medicina: perspectivas para el siglo XXI, in Desafíos para la Salud Pública, M. César Sal Carmona, Ed. CONACYT, AMC, CCC, 2015, pp. 101–111.
C. Gershenson and Prokopenko, M., Complex Networks, Artificial Life, vol. 17, pp. 259–261, 2011.
C. Gershenson, Complex Philosophy, in Proceedings of the 1st Biennial Seminar on Philosophical, Methodological $\And$ Epistemological Implications of Complexity Theory, La Habana, Cuba, 2002.
C. Gershenson, Complexity, in Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, B. Kaldis, Ed. SAGE, 2013.
C. Gershenson, Ed., Complexity: 5 Questions. Automatic Peess / VIP, 2008.PDF icon 5QwLinks.pdf (605.88 KB)
C. Gershenson and Fernández, N., Complexity and Information: Measuring Emergence, Self-organization, and Homeostasis at Multiple Scales, Complexity, vol. 18, pp. 29-44, 2012.
F. Heylighen, Cilliers, P., and Gershenson, C., Complexity and Philosophy, in Complexity, Science and Society, J. Bogg and Geyer, R., Eds. Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing, 2007, pp. 117-134.
Y. Madrid, Gershenson, C., and Fernández, N., Complexity and Structural Properties in Scale-free Networks, in Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2016, 2016, pp. 730–731.PDF icon 40-ALifeXV-Madrid.pdf (503.52 KB)
M. De Domenico, Camargo, C., Gershenson, C., Goldsmith, D., Jeschonnek, S., Kay, L., Nichele, S., Nicolás, J., Schmickl, T., Stella, M., Brandoff, J., Salinas, Á. José Mart, and Sayama, H., Complexity Explained: A Grassroot Collaborative Initiative to Create a Set of Essential Concepts of Complex Systems.. 2019.
G. Febres, Jaffe, K., and Gershenson, C., Complexity measurement of natural and artificial languages, Complexity, vol. 20, pp. 25–48, 2015.PDF icon 23-NatArtLang.pdf (3.01 MB)
C. Gershenson, Computing Networks: A General Framework to Contrast Neural and Swarm Cognitions, Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, vol. 1, pp. 147-153, 2010.
