Carlos Bruno Velarde Velázquez

Investigador asociado "C"
Doctor en Ciencias Matemáticas y pasante de Ingeniería Química


  • A. Robledo and C. Velarde. How, why and when Tsallis statistical mechanics provides precise descriptions of natural phenomena. Entropy, Entropy 2022, 24(12), 1761, Dec. 2022.: e24121761

  • C. Velarde and A. Robledo. Number theory, borderline dimension and extensive entropy in distributions of ranked data. PLOS ONE, PLoS ONE 17(12) Dec. 2022.: e0279448.

  • M. Alvarado-Gonzalez, W. Aguilar, E. Garduño, C. Velarde, E. Bribiesca. Detection of rotational symmetry in curves represented by the slope chain code. Pattern Recognition, V. 107, 107421, Nov. 2020.

  • I. Aldana-Galván, J.L. Álvarez-Rebollar, J.C. Catana-Salazar, N. Marín, E. Solís-Villarreal, J. Urrutia, C. Velarde. Tight Bounds for Illuminating and Covering of Orthotrees with Vertex Lights and Vertex Beacons. Graphs and Combinatorics, v. 36, Feb. 2020, pp. 617-630.

  • C. Velarde and A. Robledo. Manifestations of the onset of chaos in condensed matter and complex systems. A. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., (2018) 227: 645.

  • M. Alvarado-Gonzalez, W. Aguilar, E. Garduño, C. Velarde, E. Bribiesca, V. Medina-Bañuelos. Mirror symmetry detection in curves represented by means of the Slope Chain Code. Pattern Recognition, V. 87, March 2019, Pages 67-79.

  • C. Velarde and A. Robledo. Rank Distributions: Frequency vs. Magnitude. PLOS ONE, PLoS ONE 12(10) 2017: e0186015.

  • C. Velarde, E. Bribiesca and W. Aguilar. An Algorithm for Generating a Family of Alternating Knots. ISRN Algebra, Volume 2012:13pp., (2012).

  • Luis B. Morales and Carlos Velarde, Enumeration of Resolvable 2-(10,5,16) and 3-(10,5,6) Designs. Journal of Combin. Designs 13:2 (2005), 108-119.

  • Bribiesca E. and Velarde C., A Formal Language Approach for a 3D Curve Representation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 42 (2001) 1571-1584.

  • Álvarez L. J., Oktaba H. y Velarde C. Programación. Enciclopedia de México, v. 13, 1988.


  • M. E. Caballero, V. M. Rivero, G. Uribe, C. Velarde. Cadenas de Markov. Un enfoque elemental. Aportaciones Matemáticas, Serie Textos, SMM, (1a ed. 2004, 2a ed. 2008).

  • Edna Cárdenas, Diego Bricio Hernández, César Rincón, Carlos Velarde. Métodos matemáticos de la termodinámica. Facultad de Química, UNAM, (1a ed. 1978, 2a ed. 1996).

Labor docente

Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas
Tel. +52 5622-3617, Fax +52 5622-3620